Touch the Sky

Women often make better pilots, so why are only 5% of pilot’s female, and only 1.4% of captains are female?
Touch The Sky, follows eight (8) women from different backgrounds across Australia. Mothers, daughters, influencers, and refugees share what it takes to overcome internal expectations and external pressures to take to the skies. Some are just beginning, others are further along, but all want to encourage more female participation in an industry they have come to love.
Discussions with many instructors across the aviation sector indicate that women often make better pilots than their male counterparts. So, the question begs to be asked “Why are only five percent of pilots and engineers female?”
Touch The Sky highlights the power of facing the things that can hold people back, overcoming issues like online bullying, workplace harassment, guilt, and fear. We show that even if you are successful in life, there is always new heights to reach as we work through these issues on the way to achieving our goals.
Our intrepid aviators prove that they can make it as pilots, instructors and engineers, all the while, overcoming hidden issues.